Asphalt 8: Airborne 12+
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Bro I can’t tell you how well this game is made and all the mechanics that this game has to put it all together. They always update the latest models of sports cars which I love because I keep track of the newest lambos and Bugatti’s and asphalt 8 is pretty good at keeping up to date which is awesome. After playing for a while you can learn to get pretty good at the game and you can actually get decent cars. This is cool because most games it takes SOOOO LOOONG to get an upgrade on games and hold you back by forcing you to use your in game money on other things. But the fact that this game allows you to actually work and save for specific cars that you want makes the game absolutely worth playing. The only downside is that I had completly maxed out an S level bugatti veyron so it was insanely fast and top of the line but they changed it and brought it down to an A level which sucked cuz I couldn’t race in the S races anymore since I didn’t have an S level car. It was a put down but not to much I was able to just get a new S level car that wasn’t as good but still I would’ve liked to be able to make more in game money on more professional car races
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Asphalt 8: Airborne 12+
What users think of us
When I saw ads for this game, I really wanted to try it out, so I downloaded it and was instantly impressed. The beautiful graphics and UI just blew me away! The entertainment this game brings will make play it for hours at a time. However, all great games aren’t perfect. It is very hard to progress in this game, as cars either cost too much, or the blueprints for them are too rare. Finding 40 blueprints for a single car really just isn’t worth it, so can this maybe be nerfed GameLoft? Also, bugs... though they can be hard to find, they really can annoy someone after a while. For example, when I am racing online, the momentary invincibility after a wreck will sometimes stay on other racers, making it impossible to knock them down. Another example, in multiplayer, when the cars start, some of the other user’s cars wont move, grinding you to a sudden halt, but then they teleport forwards, putting you in nearly dead last. One more bug that ticks me off, where you respawn after wrecking. One time on the map “London Eye” I was knocked down in midair during a jump over a river. I kept respawning right in front of the ramp and couldn’t build up enough speed to make the jump, making an endless loop of me crashing. Though these bugs tick me off, I still love the game, and will keep playing it for a long time, despite the minor and sometimes major annoyances that pop up. Keep up the good work GameLoft!
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